It was St. Patrick’s Day!
Whaooo! I was heading out like any 26 year old woman, for a wild night
of…Catch Phrase. Yes you herd me. I live in the beer drinking capital of the
USA and I was going to spend St. Patrick’s Day in the basement of an LDS church. But I had a secret plan. At this point I was still very Mormon. I had not done my homework yet. I was so tired of hanging out with the same
people who I really felt no connection too.
I saw online that there was a karaoke bar downtown so I got dressed up
and after the 8th round of physiatrist(a mormon must game) I excused myself and headed for the bar.
I was going to do it! I was going to make friends!
Friends with people who I have things in common with. Maybe we would talk about travel, politics, theater,
art, Heck I would even talk about sports teams.
I reached downtown. I could not find the bar. There were other bars so I parked my
car. I could see from where I sat people
coming and going. Every bar was packed. Everyone
was laughing and smiling. I saw a group of girls standing outside a Comedy
Club. They were together talking a mile a minute and giggling. One girl dropped her…something and darted
into the street to get it. They all mocked her as she ran in front of a car
forcing the car to a stop. Some men poked their heads out to say hi and drove
off. At this moment the glass on my
windshield felt 12 inches thick. I
wanted so badly to be those girls. I wanted to feel free to mingle and flirt
with exciting different people. I wanted
to go to the comedy club but instead I put my key in the ignition and drove

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