I decided to
give religion another try. It had only
been a month since I had sworn off Mormonism. God and I were not on speaking
term but I missed the community. I
walked into a non-denominational church.
Huge crucifix on the wall, huge coffee shop, huge gift shop, and even a
guest services counter.
“Excuse me.” I said to the jolly woman at the
desk, “When is your service for young single adults?”
“Our youth
programs are listed in this pamphlet-“
“oh… I’m
sorry. I was looking for activities for unmarried people in their 20’s.” I
Jolly looked
at me a little confused. “Are you an expecting mother?”
“What? no!” I
said, immediately checking my stomach for a taco baby. “No I’m not pregnant. Unless
you believe in immaculate conception. Ha ha.” She gave an un-amused smile.
“Well we have
an expecting mother’s class or a small Bible study for adults of all ages.”
“Christ no!”
I thought, “Sounds like seminary all over again(See:
Seminary Buff). And no offence
to expecting mothers, but I relate to better to women who don’t have little
people inside them telling them when to pee.” I leaned over the desk searching for
a pamphlet with activities for 20’s singles.
At Mormon Church there were loads of fun activities every week. I went home and scoured the internet. I finally found one service for people in their
20’s and 30’s. Jackpot!
I walked into a dark room with a smoke
machines and laser beams. I enjoyed watching the rock bad play and the pastor’s
enthusiasm. People were shouting and
having fun. I couldn’t quite get into the raise the roof style of worship but I
had just spent the last 26 years baptizing dead people so who am I to judge. I cringed
every time he said the words sinner or saved.
What do those words even mean? Afterword
I met a cute girl with a nose ring and she invited me to her house for a pizza
party. I was excited to make some new friends. I had loads of questions for them. “You don’t believe you have to be baptized to
go to heaven?”, “Marriage is not
required?”, “You don’t have a problem
with drinking?”
“Well, we
don’t believe in getting drunk?”, Said nose ring.
“Oh…okay” I failed
to see the difference. “What about clothing? Can you ware tank tops? ” I said, assuming
they would say “Yes!”
There was a
slight pause. “We believe in dressing modestly,” said another girl. I suddenly felt very self-concusses about my
strappy polka dot dress. As we continued talking I realized how similar
these people were to Mormons. One guy
swore and was chastised for it. Yeah they
had tattoos and nose rings but they also had specific ideas about how life was
to be lived. Soon they started asking me
questions about the Mormon Church. I used
to know how to answer these questions. Not
anymore. I told them what I perceived the
church to be, and I did not hold back. One man was very interested in what I had to
say. He was a youth minister.
“So how does
it feel now that God finally hears your prayers?” Said the minister.
“um… I think
God has always listened to my prayers… What
are you saying? You don’t believe God hears the prayers of Mormons?” I asked. Everyone
“Well of
course not. Mormons aren’t really with God.”He said
“hang on!
hang on!” A knot formed in my stomach, “You are telling me that of the millions
of Mormons out there God is just plugging his ears. Sure I don’t agree with how it started but I doubt
God would punish these people. I mean
they pray, ‘in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!’ What about my brothers and sisters who go to
church every Sunday for three hours?”
He launched
into a story about how he knew a man who was blind and sick. So he prayed and the guy got better. I didn’t see how God answering his prayer
negated God answering a Mormons prayer. I told him about some Mormon miracle

“Well that’s
just a coincidence.” He said. Then the
minister jumped up on the couch. He
threw a coat over his head and started dancing. Everyone began laughing as he sang…
“Look at me I’m joseph Smith I have a magic hat.
golden plates have never been seen
God wrote them and that’s a fact.
So join me a my lovely wife and all her lovely
And we will start a new planet where the sex
never ends”
You know
that friend you have who is really really fat. And even though she makes jokes
all the time about how big she is you don’t ever join in. Well I kind of felt like that. I can make fun of Joe Smith because I lived
it. It is the heavy weight that shaped
me. When this little show tune started I
had no respect for the Mormon Church. I should have jumped up on the table with
him. Something in me knew this was
wrong. For the first time I sympathized
with the church. I was still angry. Angry that I had lived my life around what I now
believed to be a lie. But I wasn’t going
to become a better, happier person by tearing it apart. I left that night and I never went back. I
guess you could say I received the gift of tongues. I learned to bite it.