inebriated Scotsman, “MIND IF I GIVE UM A SQUEEZZZZZZ?”
What could be better than three men in kilts? They were bagpipers
who had been kicked out of a wedding for getting in a fight with the
bridesmaids. Roberta and I were really
getting the full Scotland experience. I could not stop laughing as Roberta awkwardly
tried to maneuver away from their drunken hands.
It was on my trip to Europe that I first began to voice my
doubts about the church. (See: To the Vatican) After exploring the castle that
inspired Hogwarts in Harry Potter we decided to wander the enchanted streets of
Edinburgh. We happened upon a small
vender selling necklaces. One of them in
particular caught my eye. I loved the
swooping design and how it exploded out of the center. I asked the vender what it meant. “Parsonal groowth” he
said. SOLD!
And have I ever grown.
I wear that necklace almost every day.
It is my new CTR ring. To me it
stands for “You can do it!” Leaving the
church is not at all easy. One day at
work I made a comment about how difficult the past year had been, and my
friendly tattooed co-worker said “This is the year you left the church. Come on! This is the best year of your life!”
I wanted to bust out laughing, but I settled for a sarcastic
smile. Those who have never left would
think that. The truth is the first year
you leave the church is HELL. It’s like waking up one day in the body of a tiny
Asian man and realizing you are on a Japanese game show. You don’t know the rules and everyone is
laughing at you while you are repeatedly being punched in the crotch.
Seeing my family for Christmas was slightly stressful but
mostly wonderful. I’m out of the closet now. And my older sister Jacky has finally started
talking to me about her story of leaving the church. For the last 8 months she
has been avoiding the conversation fearing she would get the blame for my
leaving. I was hurt but I
understood. Her circumstances were very
*cough* public. She did not want to relive
it. It was nice to talk openly with my
sister about why she left. We all
assumed it had to do with her being on MTV.
Actually what really pushed her out of the church was having a daughter. She did not want her daughter to grow up in a
religion that is sexist.